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Find out why a hearing screening is the key to better hearing


Sonus Hearing Care Professionals 75 Day Trial

*Hearing aids must be returned within 75 days for full refund. 

The hearing aids you select are as important as the hearing care professional that fits them.

After some comprehensive testing your licensed hearing care professional will advise you of the best individual solution for your particular hearing loss and lifestyle needs and within a budget you can afford.

It’s important that you are informed and assured when making the decision to buy your next hearing aids. That’s why we encourage you to bring these questions with you when you meet with a Sonus® Hearing Care Professional:

  1. Have I had a thorough hearing evaluation recently?

  2. What advancements in hearing aids could now help me?

  3. Does the provider offer a trial period to test the hearing aids?

  4. Is there a charge if I return the device after the trial period?

  5. The warranty: how long is it and can it be extended?

  6. Does the warranty cover maintenance and repairs?

  7. Can my hearing aids be adjusted? What about minor repairs?

  8. What kind of training and instruction will I receive?

And that’s just a start. Be sure to discuss what kinds of issues have come up for you with your current hearing aids. Your hearing care professional will work with you to keep your hearing devices working as well as possible for you throughout the life of your hearing aids. As your hearing changes you will need adjustments to your hearing aids. At Sonus we stay with you for ongoing support to make sure that the hearing solution you choose works as well for you as it possibly can.  We’re here to keep you hearing at your very best.

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